Heroes Not Forgotten

On this Memorial Day, we at Imbue Botanicals are most mindful of the sacrifice that those who served have given all of us. In fact, our company controller trained at Fort Carson and served in the US Armed Forces during the Vietnam Era. We’re constantly reminded that the dedication, valor and discipline shown by both veteran and active duty members of the US Armed Forces have not only kept the US free, but continue to make the World safe as well. And we most humbly thank them for their service.

But on this Memorial Day, we are also most mindful of a less-recognized veteran of our armed forces; the countless canines who have valiantly served, many making the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom as well. Many of you are aware of our connection to Dobermans. And as Doberman Pinscher owners, we are perhaps more aware of the history this breed in connection to the wartime sacrifice they made.

The very first Marine War Dog Training School was established at Quantico Bay, Cuba, on January 18, 1943, under the direction of Captain Samuel T. Brick. Fourteen Doberman Pinschers were donated by the Baltimore, Maryland and Canton, Ohio members of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America. The school's location was short lived, however. A week later, the War Dog Training Center was established at Camp Lejeune, NC

According to the Doberman Pinscher Club of America “ When United States Marines landed war dogs on Bougainville in the South Pacific, the first of November, 1943, it marked the first use of trained military dogs in combat by the United States. Dobermans, the official U.S. Marine Corps War Dogs, served throughout the South Pacific, courageously leading patrols in the steaming jungles, giving timely warning of the enemy waiting in ambush or hiding in caves, saving untold lives. They guarded exhausted sleeping troops in foxholes by night, preventing infiltration by the foe.”

More than 1,000 dogs had trained as Marine Devil Dogs during World War II. Twenty nine war dogs were listed as killed in action, 25 of those deaths occurred on the island of Guam. Today, the U.S. Marine Corp maintains a War Memorial on Guam, for those 25 War Dogs that served and died there during WW II.

And today, that proud service started by those Dobermans continues throughout several branches of the military, utilizing several different breeds. These canine soldiers detect explosives, sniff out drugs and other contraband, and protect their fellow troops on bases around the world.

So this Memorial Day, we at Imbue extend a heartfelt thank you to our Veterans, our Active Duty Military and yes, our Military Working Dogs for their service and dedication.

Oh, and by the way, if you know any Veteran Canines, let them know that Imbue provides its products for their care for free. (We also offer special human Veteran Pricing as well!)

with all our best,
