lifted by em·body Facial Cream

The global market for skin care products is undeniably huge with annual sales of more than $127 billion. The anti-aging cream segment alone is USD 36.11 billion. There are products galore, each one promising to do more than you can imagine to make you look better.

And the marketing obviously works…many times better than the actual products. So why would Imbue Botanicals want to try to compete in this crowded market? Frankly, it was quite by accident.

Our topical lotion was developed out of a personal need. Mine to be specific. I needed a solution for the terrible neuropathy I was experiencing and thus, developed our lotion for that very reason. And it worked, and continues to work! But always the experimenter, I of course decided to try some on my face at night before I went to bed. And after a few days, I noticed a big difference. I had been using a variety of facial lotions and creams including retinol and vitamin E, but suddenly my skin seemed to look younger, less wrinkled and definitely softer.

SO I thought, “maybe there is an even better way to do this”. I remembered some obscure research I had seen about how CBD can interact with vitamin E and I thought “eureka! I’ll develop the perfect facial cream based on this research.” And that’s exactly what we’ve done.

I’ve invented, designed and created many products throughout my career, including patenting several. But I have to say, this facial cream is truly genius. First, it’s perfect for MEN and WOMEN. It’s natural and organic. But it’s more than that.

Our lifted luxury facial cream by embody is a truly remarkable product. This highly proprietary formulation is specifically designed to work at the cellular level, providing exceptionally restorative results. Organic hemp CBD and high concentrations of natural, organic vitamin E oil and other essential oils combine to revitalize your appearance and youthful glow.

Perfect for application to both face and neck areas, our lifted luxury facial cream absorbs rapidly leaving skin smooth, silky and not oily. Apply nightly for best results, but can be used as a daytime facial cream as well to ensure that healthy look all day long. Thoughtfully packaged in a clear, heavy-based glass jar with metal lid, and its own outer box, our facial cream is a beautiful addition to any bathroom vanity or cosmetic collection.

And you won’t find a bunch of chemicals in our product. Our Ingredients are simple: lotion base, natural vitamin E oil, hemp-derived premium Colorado grown CBD oil extract (100 mg CBD), essential oils of rosemary, mint and infused arnica flowers. That’s it. But it’s not just in the ingredients, but HOW MUCH of each one.

So if you’re looking for a truly remarkable facial cream, one that’s not just different but genuinely better, then give our lifted luxury facial cream a try. You’ll love it as much as I do!

with all our best,
