Why Extensive Product Testing is So critical for CBD In recent years, CBD has surged in popularity due to its potential health benefits. However, with this popularity c...
FINALLY. 5 Years after CBD was fully legalized... Congress holds a hearing on FDA inaction on Hemp and CBD. From our very inception Imbue Botanicals has sought to ho...
Why We Test Where We Do Reliable, accurate testing is the very cornerstone of ensuring that you, our customers, receive a safe, effective p...
Finally. FDA Says What We’ve Been Saying for Years Regarding CBD Original Publish Date - October 4th 2018 There’s simply No Evidence CBD is Dangerous… As most of you know, we’ve b...
In the Midst of the Coronavirus Crisis… In the Midst of the Coronavirus Crisis… What about CBD? Let’s be 100% clear. Despite any wild and crazy claims made...
On This National Pharmacist Day, 2020… Imbue Botanicals Extends its Deepest Gratitude. Today, January 12th is National Pharmacist Day. Here at Imbue Botan...