Happy Veterans’ Day. On this day, we set aside time to remember the great sacrifice that Veterans have made for this country, and indeed the World. Giving their time, talent, and far too often their lives in the call of duty, we owe them an unending debt of gratitude.
Near our office in the Palm Springs area is a public park that each year has been decorated with seemingly countless flags representing the lost Veterans since 9/11. Amidst the wavering palms, the flags are a proud, yet painful reminder each and every Veteran’s Day of the sacrifice of far too many. Each flag bears the name of one lost brave soul.
For 17 years, Rotary Clubs of Cathedral City have organized the previously named "Healing Field" event honoring Coachella Valley residents who served in the Armed Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. This year's reworked event will recognize veterans of every war and those who served between conflicts, not just in the Coachella Valley but throughout California.
In years gone by, I remember silently wandering the park and observing the thousands of flags with my Dobermans by my side. I remember being struck with not just their sacrifice, but with the sacrifice of their families and communities alike.
Clearly, one cannot forget about the horrible sacrifice the families of the fallen have to endure. Their pain, I’m sure never goes away. It’s a loss that must last a lifetime. So on this Veteran’s Day of 2024, I felt it was vital that we post a picture from previous years as a way of keeping this wonderful display visible.
At Imbue, we are most grateful for the sacrifice these brave soldiers have made. And we’re sure you’ll join us in thanking ALL veterans for their service.
With all our best,