7 Things That May Improve the Quality of Your Sleep

To Sleep…Perchance to Dream…

William Shakespeare

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While the context of the quote is different than just a night’s sleep, the familiarity of a gentle sleep with pleasant dreams is so relatable. Unfortunately, many of us have severe difficulty falling and/or staying asleep. It’s estimated that some 70 million Americans exhibit sleep issues.

Poor sleep doesn’t just make getting through your day difficult. It has deleterious effects on a number of biological processes including brain function, hormonal function and exercise performance. But it doesn’t stop there. Poor sleep can cause weight gain and make you more prone to serious diseases.

With the frantic pace of life so many of us experience nowadays, getting a good night’s sleep is more difficult than ever. Over the past few decades, researchers have documented that both sleep quality and quantity have declined for a vast swath of Americans. But thankfully, there are things you can do to help improve your quality of sleep. We’ve listed 7 things below.

1) EXERCISE. Regular exercise can be a real game changer when it comes to improving your sleep. It improves blood flow and overall health. Studies have shown that regular aerobic exercise for extended periods can improve sleep quality and reduce excessive daytime sleepiness for people with insomnia. Resistance exercise such as weightlifting, using resistance bands or just old-fashioned push-ups and sit-ups or even yoga may help as well. Simple things you can do include walking more and taking the stairs rather than the elevator.

2) CONSIDER CBD. As Louann F. says in a review of our 50 mg gummies“Sleeping All Night”. Diane F. says our 10 mg gummies are “Great! Really helps sleep.” And on our 25 mg gummy Randy T, says: “They help me sleep and stay asleep …”

We’re not claiming CBD is the ultimate sleep aid, but research does show that Full Spectrum CBD can aid in relaxation and improve overall homeostasis in the body which may make getting a good night’s sleep easier. At least that’s what our customers find. Incorporating CBD into your daily regimen may help with overall health and wellness making restful sleep more attainable. 

Remember that the more serious your sleep issues are, the stronger the dose you may want to take. Not a fan of gummies? Try using one of our capsules instead which are also available in 10, 25 and 50 mg strengths.

3) INCREASE BRIGHT LIGHT EXPOSURE. If we don’t get sufficient bright during daytime hours, it can affect our natural circadian rhythm or “internal clock” making it difficult to fall or stay asleep. Try walking outside for your lunch or coffee breaks to help increase exposure.

4) STAY AWAY FROM CAFFEINE IN THE LATE AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Caffeine is great in the morning to get you going, but consuming caffeine from coffee or soft drinks late in the day can wreak havoc with sleep cycles. Instead try herbal teas, fruit drinks or water.

5) KEEP YOUR SLEEP TIME CONSISTENT. Your body’s internal clock or circadian rhythm aligns itself naturally to sunup and sundown. Irregular sleep patterns can lead to poor sleep quality. Trying to go to bed and waking up at the time day each day helps your body properly set your internal clock.

6) AVOID LATE NIGHT EATING. Allowing enough time after eating for your body to fully digest your evening meal can help with the proper release of your body’s hormones to help you fall asleep. While we all know how a good a late-night snack may taste, it’s likely not the best thing for your sleep quality.

7) EVALUATE YOUR SLEEP ENVIRONMENT. Making sure that your bedroom is the proper temperature for good sleep, is dark enough and that your mattress and pillows are aligned with your comfort needs can also be critical. An uncomfortable mattress can be a real problem for a night of quality sleep.

Remember if your sleep doesn’t improve or the problem is really severe, you should contact your doctor. Nighty-night! We hope that some of these suggestions will help you achieve the restful sleep you’re looking for.